Teaching Experience
Assistant Instructor for Sustainable Design, DES 127B
I co-taught this class with Emily Harris. In this studio course, we used inquiry, research, and data to inform work that makes environmental impact visible and known, and that inspires behavioral change. We investigated many of the concepts relating to Lifecycle Analysis, Humanitarian Design, Material Processes, Environmental Justice, Green Energy - both locally on the UC Davis campus and globally. This course was structured to enable students to use their creative voice to make visible and actionable the environmental behaviors of humans.
Lecture on Key topics relating to sustainability
An illustrative document I prepared to help convey the idea of sustainability to students in a light-hearted, fun and engaging manner. Here's the presentation.

Final project presentations by student teams
Project Upcycle!
In this project, students had to design their own Instructables project using upcycled materials. They had to consider using materials from the recycling bin, scrap wood from the Davis Design wood shop, Aggie Reuse Store, Aggie Surplus or Davis Thrift Store. Further, they had to design a “How to build” infographic for the project to document the process and encourage replication. The final projects were posted to the Instructables website with photos, descriptive steps, and clear graphics. Here are some student projects below.
Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Design, UC Davis
As a TA for DES 001, I was assigned two discussion sections with 20 students in each. I mentored, critiqued and guided students in executing their final projects. Students were required to conceptualise and prototype useful products that solved any problem. Here are some pictures that showcase interesting prototypes.